Truly pasture-raised is a label reserved for livestock that primarily live outside and roam on grass pastures.
Our chickens have access to shelter but forage on natural grasses, seeds, bugs and grubs for the majority of their lives. Packed full of rich flavor and nutrients, these chickens are higher in omega-3s as well as vitamins A, D, and E, and lower in fat than most any other chicken.
Compared to factory-farmed or barn-raised birds, pasture-raised chicken has been lab-tested and proven to be three times as high in omega-3’s, 50 percent higher in crucial vitamins such as A, D, and E, and lower in saturated fats by a whopping 21 percent.
Pigs are omnivores that forage for their food by rooting up areas of ground to eat roots, nuts, worms and various other plants they can find. These are great sources of energy untouched by many other farm animals which pigs can thrive on. Our standard for a pasture-raised pig is one that is kept upon diverse fields and woodlands, and they are regularly moved to ensure they are always on fresh ground, therefore with regular and abundant wild forage.
Alongside this, the pigs are fed all-natural, supplementary food to ensure they have all of the calories they need.